Love’s Truth
What a beautiful and strong but gentle word LOVE is. Love in itself is so powerful and so healing. It is what we all yearn for in one way or another. It is our true soul essence. It is our life source. It is our light. And it truly is the answer to everything. Love has the power to transmute it all.
Allow these words to sit within you to deeply feel this truth.
In this entry, I wanted to share my feelings and inner knowing around love’s truth. I come from a loving and grounded place with the intention of creating an open and safe field for us all to play and explore.
The truth is we all yearn to be loved without truly understanding the fire and the passion behind these desires. Without understanding what it is that we seek when we dream about love and being loved. This is something I came to deeply feel and understand on this very long journey of self-discovery. Understanding the truth about what love is and why it feeds us is essential to our soul’s evolution. It is the master key to our ascension.
I have always seen life experiences as a tool for learning. And have always greatly enjoyed taking a philosophical approach to all my experiences. Especially because I have always been that type of person that analyzes everything (I am an air sign!). And sometimes a little too much for my own good. But it is what fed and motivated me to take the necessary steps to continue evolving. However, the more I evolved the stronger I became releasing the unnecessary need and urge to know and understand it all. I learned to just be. Today, I live in a state where I allow my every move and thought to be in flow with my soul’s heart, eliminating all the chitter-chatter created by the mind to keep us distracted.
During my prime years of self-discovery, I spent a substantial amount of time analyzing love. What is love, what is its true purpose and how does it affect our soul’s evolution?
My life completely shifted when I figured out the golden secret. I was able to break it down and incorporate it into my life in order to bring in more peace and happiness.
The biggest revelation was finally truly seeing, as the veil dropped, the misconception that to find love and feel fulfilled we need to look outside of us. This is an illusion we all need to break free from. Love comes from within because it is what we are made of. It is our true soul essence. The yearning we feel is our soul crying to be reunited with itself. The fire, the passion and the desire for love is truly our soul’s desire to be seen and to be unconditionally loved by oneself.
The golden secret to love is SELF-LOVE.
Self-love is key to creating authentic and healthy relationships. It is the gateway to manifesting abundance into our lives. It is the key to finding our true selves. The true source of love lies within each one of us and it’s just a matter of re-discovery and remembering who you are. One cannot know what it truly means to fully love if one does not fully love thyself.
Understanding this concept helped me expand in unimaginable ways. This has been and continues to be one of my greatest strengths. Finally, stepping into the truth that I AM love.
I became very intrigued with love from a very young age. And mainly because it lacked in my life (at least in a way that felt nurturing). I grew up loved but it was never really shown through affection. It was more tough love than anything else. And as I grew older into my early twenties love got harder. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I was heart-broken. I couldn’t understand why it was so difficult and painful. Everything revolving around love was broken in some form or fashion. Family, friends (or lack of), romance, life etc.
And that’s when it finally hit me! I was able to finally feel and see my misunderstanding of what love was and what it was I was truly seeking. I was so busy trying to feel loved by others that I completely neglected myself. This all became crystal clear when I started noticing all the re-occurring patterns in my life. And as I look back, I can now see how magical this all was. What we believe are our greatest weaknesses are in fact our greatest strengths.
This has been the biggest most profound life lesson I could highlight that brought in the most transformation. This was key!
It set me free to allow me to continue evolving in the most loving way always ensuring that I treated myself with the utmost love, care and respect. This piece made the lessons that followed much more profound and meaningful.
I realized I needed to love myself unconditionally before true love could gracefully flow into all parts of my life. Even though it took me a very long time to fully and consciously realize this my Spirit team and Angels, for many years, have been sending me signs and nudges along the way that I unconsciously ignored.
As a young child, I was shy and quiet and constantly being taken advantage of by others. The older I got the more I hid into my shell and the more I thought of myself as worthless. And thinking that everyone was better than me in every way. I was basically non-existent. Without realizing, I had given all my power away.
At the young age of 13, something shifted within that urged me with the importance and need to take back my power. From that moment forward, my attitude completely changed and I started working on my self-confidence. And I did this by digging in deep and getting to know myself. However, I had no idea (still) at that point what truly was behind all this and what needed to take place to fully heal.
It took a good 12 years to re-build my self-confidence. All in preparation for the GRAND reveal! - In order to merge back into the fullness of who we are and find our way back home this was essential.
It was essential for my soul’s evolution that I deeply and truly love myself for all that I am! To be able to truly look at myself in the mirror and see all that beauty within.
The day FINALLY came when I was able to look into that mirror and shed tears of PURE love as I looked at myself. This was the most liberating feeling I have ever felt. This was the day I finally reconnected with my true soul self. The part of me I so very much longed for finally re-united.
Self-love is the key to unlocking the true potential of love! If we were to look at this from an even higher perspective, Love truly is the act of just being. The act of being is the act of living in flow. Self-love brings peace and balance into our lives because it brings us back into our core center. Into knowing that everything you need is already within you.
If you can learn to love yourself at such a profound level you will see how love will easily flow into all parts of your life. Leading into you loving everything else unequivocally and unconditionally without judgement or expectations.
Love, as the highest vibration, brings in purity, peace and happiness into our lives. It soothes pain, brings in compassion, understanding and forgiveness. It allows us to always see things from a higher perspective.
Mastering self-love is the key to a more fulfilling life.
Until next time.