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The Importance of Mastering your Emotions: Balancing your Emotions is Essential for a Healthier and Happier Life

Our emotional health says a lot about our state of wellbeing. It is one of the most important soul experiences we’ve come here to deeply understand and master.


We have all been given life and granted the ability to be here today for a purpose. And that purpose is all about giving us the opportunity for soul expansion. Since a very young age, I have always seen life and its experiences as an interactive lecture. I as the student and the Universe as the master teacher.


It’s so interesting to think back on all my life experiences that have now shaped who I am today. I can easily say that I find the topic of human emotions to be of the utmost importance. Our emotions are extremely powerful and life changing. They have the power to shift your life in ways you could never imagine. You must first FEEL in order to comprehend.


We spend so much of our time ignoring our emotions that we get lost in its sea. Wouldn’t it be easier to just acknowledge them and face them? I spent so much time reacting outwardly instead of going within. So much time and energy spent on such a futile pursuit.


If I could sum up my entire life experience in two words it would be emotional wreck. The intensity of this statement alone makes me cringe. I cringe not from embarrassment but from the thought that I let it go on for so long. The most mind blowing part about this bold statement is that these emotions weren’t even mine! I spent my entire life drowning in emotions that I couldn’t understand or control. I couldn’t understand where they were coming from and why I was feeling the way I was feeling. All I know is that I kept feeding them.


It wasn’t until many years later that l realized I was an empath. As an empath, I have the ability to deeply feel what others are feeling. This was so intense that I spent my entire life confusing them for my own. I was so highly attuned to the emotions of others that I unconsciously extended its life within my own space. Can you imagine, living a life filled with so much anger, sadness, anxiety and depression and not even be able to tell what was truly yours. I had a very tough childhood and adulthood because of it.  No wonder I was confused!  One minute I was fine and the next I wasn’t.


I was unconsciously transmuting everyone’s energy around me. As you can imagine, this caused havoc within my own energy space. Not understanding what was happening led to me not taking care of myself creating all these other downstream issues. Fortunately, I eventually learned how to decipher what was mine, for me to work on, and that which belonged to others.


One’s emotional state is connected to the all. When the emotional body is not balanced it creates issues in your mental and physical bodies. 


I bring this all up because I wanted to express to you how dear to my heart this is and the importance of bringing this awareness into your space. I spent most of my life not feeling well because of emotions I purposely neglected. Whether they were mine or not it doesn’t matter. Have I given them the right amount of time and attention would I have discovered so much sooner what was truly the cause of them. We may not all identify as empaths but these emotions are very real and can truly negatively shape our lives if they aren’t attended to.


Let’s be honest, our emotions have a way of sneaking up on us. It is very common to find ourselves so engulfed in the chaos of our emotions that we don’t realize how truly powerful they are. They have the power and ability to control our very reality.


Emotions are key to our soul’s evolution and our ascension back into our wholeness.


One of our main purposes of being here on Earth is to learn how to master our emotions. Emotions allow us to deeply feel across all spectrums of the light. It provides us the opportunity to intensely feel. Allowing for true appreciation and understanding of all life experiences. This is something you can’t find anywhere else.


As master manifestors and creators of our own reality mastering our emotions will lead us towards the life we desire. And by this, I mean a life aligned with your soul’s true heart. This is a pure alignment with whom you are at the deepest levels.


It is important to highlight that our thoughts and our feelings create our reality. As energetic beings that we all are it is important to understand this. EVERYTHING is energy. As such, whatever we put out is what we get in return. Every action (and non-action!) has a reaction all linked to energy via an energetic frequency.


Our emotions have the power to ultimately affect our mind, body and soul, if we allow it. It is important to understand that our mental state of being is greatly influenced by our emotions. What this means is that our emotions is the ultimate driver of our well-being. When our emotions are out of balance it creates a domino effect creating a downstream impact on the mental body, the physical body and our soul. 


Stuck emotions create energetic blocks within the physical body that ultimately manifest into physical issues such as illnesses, diseases, body pains etc. It is important to understand that the more we ignore and push down our emotions the more this will manifest through the physical and mental bodies.


It is truly amazing to finally be able to fully see and feel this from where I stand today. I am extremely grateful for all my experiences. I can now see why I was the way I was. And most importantly, now understand the major importance of not only mastering your emotions but that of your mental state of being.  This is big! I would even go as far as to state that these two make up the command center within your space that commands your every move. And if they are not in a balanced and healthy state can create havoc within your very own reality.


Next time you aren’t emotionally feeling well take a step back and honor the feeling. Ask yourself, why do you feel this way? What is it that is bothering you? What is it that triggered it? We tend to push our feelings down out of fear. What is it that you are afraid of and trying to hide? Try to hone in on the why as this will disclose what needs attention for the proper healing and release that needs to take place.


Following your emotions will lead you straight towards your healing path. By doing this, you are creating a stronger connection with your soul.


Balanced emotions bring in peace and tranquility into your space. This in turn will make it easier to see, feel and listen to your true heart’s calling. This is the path to quieting the mind and with that the opportunity and ease to live in flow and in the present moment.


Feel into what it is I am saying and find your own truth within.


May the illumination of your emotions show you the way back home into your heart.


Until next time,
